Best Colleges in Germany for International Students 2022

Colleges in Germany for International Students

Germany is one of the top ten most popular study destinations in the world. Every day, Germany is gaining popularity among aspiring international students. What’s the harm in that? It has a well-developed educational system, some of the most outstanding universities in the world, and tuition prices that are low to none! Here is a student’s dream come true! According to the latest statistics report, more than 350,000 Germany for international students seek their credentials in Germany, with the number increasing day by day. In addition, German colleges offer globally recognized degrees, ensuring that your credentials are valued abroad and that the skills you acquire will give you an advantage in the job market.

So, if you are considering a college in Germany, this article will guide you to choose some of the best colleges in Germany for international students. This article will look at the best colleges in Germany for Germany for international students. If you have any questions related to the article, feel free to contact for additional information.

List of Colleges in Germany for International Students

Technical University of Munich

The university is one of Europe’s leading research universities, located in the heart of Europe. LMU Munich has a 500-year history of providing some of the highest teaching and research standards in the world. Germany for International students make up about 7,000 students at this university, accounting for 15% of the total student body. Ludwig Maximilian University maintains close ties with several partner universities worldwide, numbering in the thousands. This is beneficial for university students who can participate in exchange and joint degree programs.

Rupprecht Karl University of Heidelberg

The university has a long history as an internationally focused research and teaching institution with diverse programs. The university provides quality instruction in an inviting and pleasant environment to expand the knowledge and abilities of its students and prepare them for the future. Heidelberg University is dedicated to providing equal opportunities for men and women and to fostering a welcoming, diverse and equal community of ambitious individuals.

Humboldt University of Berlin

A prestigious university with approximately 35,475 students, including 5,610 foreign students, enrolled in degree programs. With approximately 420 professors and over 1,900 research and performing assistants, Humboldt University of Berlin has a well-known reputation for its teaching and research. About 18% of the academic staff at this university are from outside Germany, ensuring that students receive high-quality instruction and a global perspective. As graduates, students will be skilled enough to join the job market with confidence.

KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology aims to contribute to solving some of the most pressing problems of society, industry and the environment through research and education. The university’s activity is defined by the global exchange of information it provides and its various international research projects and cultural diversity. KIT is a university that emphasizes early coordination in interdisciplinary research projects and international teams to provide students with unique development opportunities.

Free University of Berlin

Since 2007, this university has been one of the leading institutes in science and education due to its extensive network. It has approximately 33,000 students across its departments, with 13% of Germany for international students participating in bachelor’s programs and 27% of international students enrolled in master’s programs. The university aspires to create a livable future for its Germany for International students by providing effective programs and ensuring that they acquire the skills needed to meet the challenges of today’s society.

RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University is known worldwide for its degree programs and the high quality of its teaching and research. This university, ranked among the top ten universities in Germany, is a site where new answers to global concerns are presented. RWTH Aachen University also thrives in close collaboration with industry, providing students with more opportunities to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the global job market. The university has a total enrollment of 45,628 students with 11,280 Germany for international students worldwide.

Berlin Institute of Technology

Located in the heart of Europe, this university has a sharp profile and offers a wide selection of high-quality degree programs. Its credentials give students the tools they need to land their desired jobs. Along with its remarkable achievements in research and education, this university is known for its excellence and quality. While enrolled in a degree program, Germany for International students at this university enjoy a friendly and diverse environment.

Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen

The university has been a center of brilliant research and education for over 500 years. It is also known for its innovative and world-class courses and degree programs, enrolling 27,196 Germany for International students, of which 3,779 are international students. While pursuing a degree at this university, students will be introduced to a welcoming environment, contemporary facilities, comprehensive degree programs and excellent academic staff. Individuals gain qualifications that will be helpful in today’s world among a diverse group of dedicated Germany for International students.

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Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg

This university, founded in 1457, offers a wide range of degree programs that are suitable for innovative multidisciplinary studies. This university today offers degrees in all important subjects of study taught by renowned experts. Open-mindedness, pluralism and international exchange are valued at the University of Freiburg. A welcoming and egalitarian environment provides the best conditions for research, teaching, administration and continuing education. This university and its achievements are defined by curiosity and openness.

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

The university is one of Europe’s leading research universities, located in the heart of Europe. LMU Munich has a 500-year history of providing some of the highest teaching and research standards in the world. Germany for International students make up about 7,000 students at this university, accounting for 15% of the total student body. Ludwig Maximilian University maintains close ties with several partner universities worldwide, numbering in the thousands. This is beneficial for university Germany for International students who can participate in exchange and joint degree programs.

What are the requirements to study in Germany?

A variety of programs, graduate schools, and even some of the best universities in the world can be found in Germany. Around 400,000 Germany for international students are now studying in Germany, making it one of the most popular international student destinations. For those considering a degree in Germany, we’ve put together a list of requirements you’ll need to meet.

course of study

Finding a course you enjoy will give you a head start on all the later requirements, while it’s not as much of a prerequisite as a crucial step to studying in Germany. Suppose you decide to pursue your education in this beautiful Western European country. In that case, you must learn as much as you can about Germany’s standards and college admission criteria.

Admission Prerequisites

Once you find a study program that interests you, you start worrying about admission standards. Before anything else, you must meet the university’s requirements for admission to that program.

Your qualifications must be accepted by your chosen university to gain admission to a German university. This means that you will need an ‘entrance qualification to higher education’, commonly referred to as the Hochschulzugungsberechtigung (HZB) or Abitur. If your high school diploma is not accepted in Germany, you will be required to complete a one-year introductory course at the Studienkolleg.

Documentation for college admission

Although each institution has its own set of admission standards, some documents are usually required to apply.

  • You will usually need the following documents:
  • Duly filled application form.
  • A certified copy of your high school diploma is required.
  • Educational certificates which are relevant and recognized.
  • A summary of your modules and degrees in English.
  • A passport photograph and a copy of your passport are required.
  • Language proficiency must be demonstrated.

Financial inclusion

If you are a citizen of one of the countries listed above and need a student visa to study in Germany, you must show proof of financial means when applying for your visa. To cover their expenses throughout their time in Germany, an international student will need €10,332 per year by 2021.

A blocked account is the best option to provide proof of financial resources to the German embassy.

Health insurance

If you want to study in Germany, you will also need health insurance. While in Germany, Germany for international students must be covered by the healthcare system. If you live in one of the EU/EEA member states, you will most likely be able to use your existing health insurance. However, you will need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Assuming you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA member state. In that case, you will need to provide proof of health insurance and university enrollment guarantee for your student visa application. You will need to pay a monthly lump sum to public or private health insurance providers (if you are over 29).

Obtaining a study permit

If you are a national who needs a student permit to visit Germany, you must make a request at the German embassy in your home country. You will need to collect the relevant paperwork, attend an embassy interview and wait for a response. Under normal circumstances, the processing time for a student visa is two weeks.

Every year, the number of Germany for international students choosing Germany as a study abroad destination increases. Before coming to study in Germany, most Germany for international students must obtain a German student visa from the German consulate in their home country. Depending on your place of origin, you may not need a visa to study in Germany. However, if your studies continue for more than 90 days you will need to apply for a residence permit upon arrival in Germany.

University registration

After being accepted into a German higher education institution, students are admitted to a university. This means that once you are accepted, you will need to submit a few documents to the Office of Student Affairs and register for classes so that you can attend lectures, activities and exams.

About the German education system

The standards and regulations of the German education system are based on the “Grungesetz” or Basic Law. The Federal Ministries of Education, Cultural Affairs and Science are responsible for developing educational, scientific and artistic policy guidelines and enacting relevant laws and administrative regulations. In order to monitor the overall activities of educational institutions, organizations and foundations, the Ministry works closely with the authorities of the Federation and the Länder (German states). In Germany, education is the Länder and the Federation (which has a minor role). However, there are some areas of cooperation in education where there is no such division between the two parties, known as “joint work” or “Gemeinschaftsaufgaben”.


Therefore, these are some of the colleges in Germany for international students to pursue their academic career with the right facilities, teaching faculties and knowledge approach. These colleges have some of the most advanced programs for you to choose from. Choose the most suitable college for your studies and get quality education.

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